Friday, 10 January 2025

An Answer to Neil Oliver

 The question which Neil Oliver has been asking, is "why now?"

Here is an embedded video in which he asks this question:


Well, the "why now?" of suddenly throwing the Pakistani rape gangs whom the establishment protected for so long under a bus, is probably (as many suspect) to protect someone more important. The trouble is, everybody wants this to be a particular senior minister in the present government, or a senior figure at the BBC, or Prince Andrew; that sort of thing.

It is bigger than that, and the reason why we are being offered "action" rather than further investigation, across the geographical UK and across a broader range of offender ethnics and demographics, is that there is an international context to all this, and that is also why very powerful, and very wealthy, individuals from outside the UK are trying to muscle in on the whole issue, supposedly in opposition to the British establishment, but in fact pushing in exactly the same direction: to make sure that all the non-Pakistani suspects remain under the carpet, if not in the closet.

There is a book, which was withdrawn from publication (and appears therefore not to be in copyright!) after the author was shot in the head, allegedly as suicide, and the book is about a number of similarly convenient "suicides" of those involved in an elite sexual grooming scandal, whereas the focus being sought by everyone from Keir Starmer to "Tommy Robinson" is on a very non-elite offending demographic indeed. We are allowed to look, not at the top of the pyramid, or even the whole base of the pyramid, but at one block in the base of the pyramid.

That book has been withdrawn from publication, and Amazon no longer publishes the e--book of it, but secondhand paperbacks of "The Lost Boys of Bird Island" are available on Amazon for £60 and up! On E-bay they can cost £80!

Not only is it true that "the truth shall set you free!" (Attrib: The Lord Jesus & David Icke!) but in this particular case, the truth is itself available for free, as a consequence of the sudden death of one of the two authors.

It is important not to skip the front matter of the book, especially the Forward, because this describes how elite paedophile gangs link the US, UK and Belgium, to South Africa and especially Cape Province. Then read the main text, to get an idea of how far up the greasy pole those involved might be in all four countries.

It's interesting that the American Oligarch trying (very persistently) to muscle in on the whole issue of paedophile gangs and grooming in the UK, originally hails from South Africa! Mr Musk is never going to answer Dr Oliver's question, so why not let Detective-Sergeant Mark Minnie answer it for him, from beyond the grave?

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