Medawar begs his readers' pardon for largely ignoring "The Great Replacement" and his reasons for doing so lie not in that being a conspiracy theory so much as the awkward fact that he cannot see the Global Elite bothering to kill off a large swathe of the "useless" human population of the Elite's world only to replace them with other "useless people" they would inevitably despise just as much. Population reduction, should it be happening and it does begin to look as if it is, is almost certainly an end in itself rather than an attempt to make a better world, because the Elite's narrow definition of "better" or "useful" equates to "for the benefit of the Elite."
During the past several days of extraordinary vitriol, contempt, bullying and even threats of armed invasion against America's closest allies expressed by President Trump and an assortment of loyal mouthpieces, it has emerged that Ukraine might just be allowed to escape defeat and subsequent linguistic if not ethnic cleansing were President Zelensky to sign a "minerals agreement" with the United States.
An American friend of Medawar's recently offered the fascinating insight that the heavy emphasis on Ukraine signing the minerals agreement, far from being evidence that Mr Putin had pulled the wool over Mr Trump's eyes as practically all of America's allies currently believe, almost certainly means that Mr Trump has already got Mr Putin's penciled initials on a similar, if not identical, agreement. Some observers claim that Putin desperately needs to retire before he dies in office, but if he leaves power without a safe place to hide, he'll be dead in days. Putin might be no more able to say no to Trump than Zelensky.
Now, the media is being infuriatingly unspecific about which "minerals" are involved, but it is possible to deduce, from ALL the places being done over by the Trump administration, that the mineral of most interest is Scandium and that anything else will be icing on the cake or a red herring, depending on one's choice of food-related metaphor. And this is what arouses Medawar's interest, because Scandium has relatively few uses where there are no substitutes. And given the frenetic rate at which Mr Trump is burning America's bridges with pretty well all of her most loyal and important allies and nearest neighbours, Scandium must have a particular importance to those responsible for engineering and bankrolling Mr Trump's return to power. And yet, Scandium isn't of such importance to the wider American economy or the security of the American people that America needs to control the greater part of the world supply of this metal! A great deal is being done, at significant cost to America's previously excellent standing with her allies and perhaps even to her own narrow economic interests, to secure something which only matters greatly to the private plans of a very few. Neither is it possible to see what Mr Trump might gain by serving those few rather than the very many people who recently voted him back into office.
Any debate as to whether Mr Trump is betrayer or betrayed needs to be left until Medawar has conveyed his suspicions as to whose interests are being looked after here, because it's certainly not Mr Trump's natural constituency of the Christian Right, nor is it even their bitter foes on the "Liberal" left. To understand who might need Scandium, we need to understand what Scandium is in the first place:
Relevant quotes:
"Dislocation theory is immensely complicated and, after all, perhaps mainly of interest to dislocation experts" Professor J.E. Gordon "The New Science of Strong Materials" page 218.
"The world's most influential scientists are those who control the research grants of lesser scientists and they acquired that influence after realising that politicians and oligarchs are much more interested in magic than science. Whilst in science, as in faith, there is always an alternative to everything if you look hard enough, alternatives are anathema to magical practices and 'influential scientists' are ever alert to suppress alternatives" {this is a relatively recent realisation on the part of Medawar, worth quoting here.}
Source Material:
Note that in 2003, the
three mines producing significant (bearing in mind global supply was about twenty tons per annum) amounts of Scandium
were in Russia's Kola Peninsular, Zhovti Vody in Ukraine and Bayan Obo in
China. Other potential sources would include Finland, Sweden and possibly Norway. Finland and Sweden were openly threatened with invasion at the same time that Ukraine was invaded, and again threatened if they joined NATO, or attempted to protect themselves against mischief to sea-bed infrastructure in the Baltic Sea, etc, etc. Threat, threat, threat from Russia, followed by threat, threat, threat from Trump.
The video conveys a lot which the Wikipedia article doesn't. Wikipedia also states that the "only" industrial use for Scandium is to make high-performance alloys with aluminium, but actually, Medawar knows of, but will not identify, another important use which seems to be classified information these days, but was in the public domain ten or fifteen years ago. Suffice to say that the total requirement for Scandium created by US military needs for the whole of the Cold War was probably around a tenth of a single month's global production at 2003 levels. So, Wikipedia is right in the sense that turning aluminium into an easier-to work substitute for titanium in some applications accounts for practically all Scandium usage by weight, but it's not the only important use. But the US Government is in no danger of running out of Scandium for that other use and probably holds more of it than it needs as older systems are retired and recycled.
The demonstration in the video, where a fairly big chunk of Scandium metal floats on liquid bromine (without any obvious chemical reaction until water is used to wash the bromine off afterwards) not only conveys an understanding of how light Scandium is and therefore that twenty tons per annum is actually a lot in some ways, but also how different it is from aluminium, because aluminium foil catches fire when exposed to bromine fumes at room temperature! Finely-divided Scandium also burns in a bunsen flame with a very brilliant flash. Sadly, it is too expensive for fireworks!
At the behest of a South African Tech oligarch and would-be spacefarer whose childhood friends may well include South African mining oligarchs, President Trump has bartered America's integrity and diplomatic standing for the Russian people's birthright, to which deal President Putin was and remains a willing party. They commit atrocity in and to Ukraine primarily because they seek an effective monopoly not just of Scandium production but also its utilisation and conquering Ukraine might have seemed an easier prospect than conquering Communist China! New sources are being developed in the Philippines as well. The Americans HOPE to develop a domestic source in Nebraska but this project is currently aspirational rather than actual.
And who REALLY wants Scandium?
Well these people might:
Scandium is a 'magic ingredient' to those avowed Satanists who dream of an "Aeon of Fire" in which their descendants will build a Galactic Empire, because aluminium-scandium alloys MIGHT allow a spaceship to be fabricated with industrial resources that will fit inside a preceding spaceship of feasible size, allowing spaceships to replicate themselves as they spread from one planet to another. For this to happen with titanium, someone would have to think hard enough to greatly simplify the process of exploiting found titanium ore with an equally-great reduction in the amount of energy involved. It is probably not going to happen with beryllium either, unless dislocation theory is wrong in a most unlikely way.
Now, in the real universe (and that's not where these people live a lot of the time) building a Galactic civilisation might perhaps be done by sending out self-replicating spaceships with a set of values in their cargo so sensible and so durable over time that colonists and the colonised might see the sense in voluntarily keeping those values. But an Empire in the sense of something centrally-controlled and ruling by lethal force, even at thousand-year intervals, let alone real-time, is a non-starter.
Another obstacle in the path of the desired Galactic Empire is that any journey even as far as Mars may, if organised by Elon Musk, turn out to be more Voortrek than Startrek.
But the greatest problem (and the very real danger) is that the Satanists of the O9A believe that in order for the Aeon of Fire to begin, they have to destroy our existing civilisation and risk taking with it the entire industrial base and all the knowledge and competencies which interplanetary, let alone interstellar, travel might require. And their strategy for destroying our present civilisation: the deliberate perversion and destruction of the moral codes which hold our society and civilisation together and allow it to function, by encouraging rape, all levels of physical, mental and emotional violence against women and the sexual abuse and murder of children, looks increasingly like a viable method of bringing about just such a destruction, although it is far from guaranteed that this will involve the survival of the human race, let alone a new Aeon or historical era of any sort. The most likely outcome will be the end of humanity. And given that the alternative route to a galactic culture or civilisation might be something growing out of our existing civilisation and therefore based on the "Nazarene" Abrahamic religions the Satanists hate so much, it is not implausible that they might even prefer total extinction to a galactic fellowship ruled by love rather than force.
And the current obsession with securing global supplies of Scandium and perhaps other "magic ingredients" is not the only sign that the O9A might have friends, or at least puppets, in very high places, in Europe, Russia and many other places outside as well as inside the United States, even though Texas seems to be a key stronghold at the moment.
Ever since US Special Forces managed to kill Osama bin Laden, there has been an obvious shift in the nature of terroristic violence; towards women and children, especially little girls, as targets, and away from Islam as a clearly-identifiable source of motivation, even though most of the training material and practical methodology still comes from "Islamic" sources. O9A "associates" are free to study practice and even promote any of the Abrahamic religions including Islam, the C of E, or, according to preference, any sort of Nazism or Paganism, and even some (fairly twisted) varieties of Buddhism. Because if if they caught committing rape, murder, child murder and paedophilia, that simply rebounds on the cover religion or ideology and not on the O9A. Even were it to be proved in court and widely-reported that O9A was responsible for the actions of "non-terrorist" mass killers as diverse as Jake Davison and Axel Rudakubana, the associates of and potential recruits to O9A would find it all pretty cool and even encouraging.
Which is probably why, even though anti-terrorist officers and increasing numbers of crime reporters and other journalists worry about all this between themselves, O9A, which is now present globally, continues to be completely disregarded at the political, senior law enforcement command and media editorial level, globally. There is a very ancient piece of wisdom which says that: "Anyone who ignores the attacks of the enemy, makes the enemy stronger."
We cannot possibly produce an effective plan against a danger nobody dares to mention, for fear of ridicule, or violence, or blackmail or any of the other forms of coercion and manipulation which the O9A and its "764" youth wing are increasingly proficient at.
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